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'A Guide to Closet Naturism' by Daniel
There are a lot of closet nudists out there, and I'm one of them. So, I decideed to write this to help others like me to find more ways to go nude. Here are some helpful tips:
At home:
When no one is home, (Or if you're willing to take your chances with someone around) just bare it all and do your usual stuff. The wind blowing against your body feels absolutely wonderful. For those who with their own rooms, you can lock the door and sleep in the nude. Try wearing just shorts (Men) or a single piece t-shirt (Women). That way, you can slip in faster if someone comes about. And for those people who share rooms, you can slip off your clothes and sleep in the nude, covered with a blanket of course. If you're scared you'll kick it off, tuck the sides of the blanket in tightly to the sides of the bed. You can also go back and forth the bathroom nude, and no one will probably say a thing. This is probably the first step for anyone who plans to tell their parents about their naturist activities. My parents are a bit open-minded, but they have their limits for nudism. I'm normally allowed to go nude before or after bathing for a while. Going longer than that will warrant a frown from them. I'm currently working on trying to make my parents come to terms with my nudism.
If you're lucky enough to have a nudist beach or center nearby, then don't hesitate to visit it. Howeve if you're unlucky enough (like me), you can always improvise. If you have your own swimming pool, you can always go there. If you have a private one, then use it! However, if you live in an apartment (like me, again), you could try going at around 2-3 am. Alternately, go during office hours and school times, when there will be no one. A good way to be safe is to wrap your swimsuit around your hands, so if anyone comes, you can easily slip it on. And, if you have a park nearby, (Go on the same times as the swimming pool) A good idea if you're going to the park or a hike, bring the necessary supplies and a plastic bag or a bag to keep your clothes in. I normally bring slippers so I can remove and wear it easily. I prefer to go barefoot anywhere, by the way. If you have a bicycle, you could try cycling around nude. Always think of new ways to go natural. Make sure you map out a proper time to go and to return. Watch out for people to. You can also try jogging around the neighbourhood. Try alleywyas and isolated areas. Becareful if you want to take an extra risk by jogging past other people's houses.
| material that we sell are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States.
They are protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine & Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults in innocent nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 41 years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of "nudity without more," specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression. Our memberships are widely sold in all of Asia, Europe, South America, Canada, Australia and Africa. The only exception may be countries where nudity of any kind is banned, i.e. Iraq, Syria, and Iran.
U.S.C. Title 18, Section 2257 Compliance Notice
Most or all visual depictions displayed on this Website are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. section 2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 because said visual depictions do not consist of depictions of conduct as specifically listed in 18 U.S.C section 2256 (2) (A) through (D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity, or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct, or are otherwise exempt because the visual depictions were created prior to July 3, 1995.
Should there be any visual depictions displayed on this Website of actual sexually explicit conduct, such models, actors, actresses and other persons appearing or otherwise contained in this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions.
All visual depictions displayed on this Website involving nudity and/or partial nudity have been thoroughly vetted by the webmaster to only include visual depictions of subjects appearing to be clearly above the age of 18, though this is not a requirement according to the Section 2257 Compliance herein referred to.
At present, no material on the website requires record-keeping, however should that status change, any enquiries about specific material contained herein and the corresponding Custodian of Records information pertaining to those items, should be directed to [email protected]
Attacks on the Nude, the Naked, the Naturist
by Fred E. Foldvary, Senior Editor
Civil rights now protect minorities of race, religion, and sex, but there is one minority that government is attacking without regard to civil liberties and Constitutional rights: naturists. Naturism is the philosophy of living in harmony with nature.
This includes an affinity and respect for wildlife and the natural environment, an attempt to live a healthy lifestyle with natural foods, and the acceptance of the human body as naturally good and wholesome, hence a rejection of the culture of lust and shame regarding the nude human body. The latter belief by itself is, of course, nudism, the belief that there is nothing wrong with not wearing clothing, and a lifestyle that includes nudity.
The nudist movement has centered on private nudist clubs and resorts, while the naturist movement has focused on nude beaches, springs, and back yards. Both nudism and naturism have been under increasing attack by the so-called "religious right," and laws are being passed nationwide prohibiting nonsexual nudity even inside one's home.
Civil asset forfeiture, the confiscation of property without trial or conviction, is even being proposed as a weapon against the practice of nudity even in enclosed private property. In Arkansas, it is illegal even to advocate in favor of nudism.
Nudity is a prime example of a possibly offensive but victimless state of being. It is not even an activity or act, since it is not behavior, but simply the absence of clothing. The nude and the naked should therefore be protected by civil rights and liberties, including natural rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of association, and private property rights.
In Berkeley, a recent trial for public nudity ended in a hung jury. The Berkeley police have since then enforced the anti-nudity law as an infraction, like a traffic ticket. Unlike felony and misdemeanor cases, infractions are fines that cannot be tried by a jury. A court case on April 13 resulted in a dismissal of the charges, because the Berkeley law was enacted as a misdemeanor. The Berkeley City council is now considering whether to change the law to make it an infraction. This would be a bad precedent, since the policy of infractions could be used to stifle any protests and free speech and the freedom of movement and association by fining it without any jury trials.
Nudity has already been used as an excuse for governments and private parties to shut down nudist camps and resorts as a real- estate grab. A private nudist resort in Los Angeles fought the government for years against those trying to grab the property, and in Virginia, a nudist camp was opposed by Madison County and finally shut down. Madison has a totalitarian law making it illegal to do anything the government has not declared legal!
In Tennessee, a law has been proposed allowing a group of ten people to declare skinny dipping a nuisance and have it halted. In Kentucky, nudist clubs and resorts must register with the government, and the government refuses to register them, thus effectively banning nudism. In many states, anti-nudity laws have been passed on the basis of outlawing pornography and commercial nude dancing and performances, but the language of the law has also banned the practice of nudism by families at home or in social naturist clubs.
In Alabama and Florida, bills to apply RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization - laws have been introduced to eliminate naturism. RICO allows the government to confiscate property that is only indirectly used in an offense. Hence, if you drive a nudist to a nude beach, your car can then be confiscated. Not only that, but people who file complaints against nudists are allowed to win penalties of up to $40,000 upon conviction. With this bounty, zealous anti-nudists and those who are just greedy can get rich seeking out skinny-dippers.
In California, another weapon in the war against nudity is being considered. The California Senate is considering SB 1859, a "local option" law that would let local governments determine their own "community standards," replacing the current state-wide standard. Naturist and nudist publications depicting nudity in a non-sexual context, or even a photo of one's naked baby in a bathtub, could be classified as obscene by the local standard. Electronic communications and web sites showing non-sexual nudity, such as people at a nude beach, would become criminal in that locality.
Such laws are being pushed and passed throughout the United States because most folks are not nudists or naturists, and think it does not affect them. But these laws are not only unjust to nudists and naturists, but set terrible precedents against free expression and private property rights. Anti-nudity legislation is a foot in the door to the suppression of all our rights and liberties.
Such laws are being pushed and passed throughout the United States because most folks are not nudists or naturists, and think it does not affect them. But these laws are not only unjust to nudists and naturists, but set terrible precedents against free expression and private property rights. Anti-nudity legislation is a foot in the door to the suppression of all our rights and liberties. |