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Wife and i ventured onto free beach on holidays with freinds had a look and continued on our walk when we got back to our room wife said she would have liked to go for a swim but not in front of the couple we were with because they wouldnt approve. i suggested we go back tomorrow and try .morning arrives we set of wife nervous i had
chubby naturist outdoor porn before we arrive put down our towels wife strips off runs straight into water loves it How many smokers in the world?That contribute to the pollutants in the air. ( I was a smoker years ago )Something to think about how can a government control the people. Keep them from being mobile?Start taking your freedoms away one at a time. JESUS loves me this I know. Richbaresoul wroteCelsius, your post was confusing me. For one thing, are you referring to Ishmael of the Bible, or Ishmael of Daniel Quinn?Carp, you may have the right understanding of what Celsius meant. What is being dismissed with this denial is strong evidence, that I have heard of even in the eighties, with what could be projected, such as with greenhouse gases, from human presence with what we depend on with developing civilization. Deniers were heard much later. Their arguments also changed, becoming recently what you repeat here, that such change we see, even including massive melt-off of arctic ice, is only from natural fluctuations, not the greenhouse gases from our civilization that was projecting that much earlier. And the greatest contribution to greenhouse gases are the emissions from all the livestock for human use in the meat and dairy industries.
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Has that made any real impact upon our environment. Perhaps but I find the evidence confusing, inconclusive and far too biased (on both sides) to be able to come to any real conclusion. Now to make laws forcing mankind to act or restrict actions in any way based upon this science is illogical and dangerous. Historically when such men react so strongly and quickly has only resulted in one real result- the loss of freedoms and liberties of the masses, any other results that were the purported reasons for the actions were at extreme best only minimally impacted (usually in the negative) and often not impacted at all. Thus I say tread carefully when you want to pass laws or push for regulations dealing with quot-climate changequot- as you will likely find that you have lost your freedoms and have gained nothing in the end, not even a cleaner environment. MtnDewNudist ,You are certainly more eloquent than I and I concur entirely. Man is such an arrogant being at times, which includes myself and my opinions. But my arrogance is directed toward those whom you speak about who think that all of the data is in.
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Perfect beach sex.
been there done that..
Nice sensuous shoot. Too bad there were no penetration shots.
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