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Wife and i ventured onto free beach on holidays with freinds had a look and continued on our walk when we got back to our room wife said she would have liked to go for a swim but not in front of the couple we were with because they wouldnt approve. i suggested we go back tomorrow and try .morning arrives we set of wife nervous i had
erotic naked sand videos before we arrive put down our towels wife strips off runs straight into water loves it It is simply a different culture. and did you miss the whole of the 1960s and 1970s drug fueled music industry Jimi Hendrix etc or the blues scene which again had heavy drug use in its music and murder and rape and everything else that goes along with it. it might explain why hard drug use was at its highest during this period when it was popularised by the fame of those types of figure heads. when people quote these rap and Ramp-B songs causing people to be so horribly bad they forget that this is without a doubt the safest time to be a normal member of society violent crime is at an all time low rape is at an all time low (reaching its peak though the 1970s). and yet USA (the home of Rap and Ramp-B after all) still has a violent crime rate 6 times higher than comparable countries around the world such as UK and Germany (germany has a huge rap scene i should say and even has a whole genre that is about making the most violent gory songs imaginable) aaaand yet they dont have this problem of crime, victimisation of women and general bad behavior of this section of society, so maybe it is a chicken and egg situation, does the culture create the music or does the music create the culture, to me it is obvious, these thoughts are already there and need to be dealt with rather than blaming music and other social creations. as you said it comes down to education, places with good social programmes and good education systems in inner city more deprived areas see huge drops in this kind of behavior, just look at paris in the 90s they closed a huge amount of their inner city programmes for children and young people and now they have a skyrocketing crime rate and adoption of the kind of behavior that you talk about in those kinds of songsI could name a couple of more songs. quot-Why Dont We Do It In The Roadquot-. and quot-Happiness is a Warm Gunquot- both by The Beatles.
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Aside from the good manners argument, you could make the claim that it is not necessary, but a large part of the population is walking around with STDs. However, I do find it funny when people insist on hand washing after urination, but think nothing of dropping their clothing and asking a significant other to put their mouth on their genitals. This applies to both sexes. Hope this wasnt too graphic, but it is what it is!Ive noticed that the when I use a public restroom in the hospitals I visit when making calls that nearly all have towels and a small trash can near the doors, especially those doors that open inward. They must know something. (By the way, urine might be sterile but I dont want someone elses pee on me, even a few molecules - except my baby granddaughters - she can pee on me anytime )One of my hobbies is metallworking (mostly machining) The machines (especially the milling machine) produce incredibly fine metal slivers, these can get on the hands and may not immediately embed themselves in the skin others embed and if they miss any nerves are not noticed but can stick out like quills. If they hit a nerve I generally have to remove them immediately. Some of the machining processes produce slivers finer than a hair with a barb like surface along their length. Some of the aluminum slivers will actually sort of float in the air landing on the operators clothing. When working in the machine shop, YES.
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que bien queda un culazo asi en tanga apretado. que gustazo de chichas
Lovely sexy tanned body
hot wife pussy...
This is like National Geographic.
buena perra chillona
cutie planned it all
thxs xxxxxxxx
Fantastic. Definitely a favorite!
that would be my morning ass i was eat wow
very nice..thanx
sexy nice video
Haha this has to be staged lol
sexy !!
Zajebista piczka
So hot !!!
Well known clip which is a good one
my profile foto
hotkinkyjo classics! she is the best!
nice big cumshot!
Every man would like to fuck this hottie...
Excellent video! She even gets fucked in the ass. Awesome.
real native
great saggy tits
wow top
oh !!!!!! im so hot for you,suck a lucky man in this vid
Staged and paid girls, notice how slow she is giving us all an eyefull. A real customers would be quick to get in and not waste a minute.
Excelente compilacão.
They r really enjoying on the beach.....
great video. Well done. Hot.
great exiting milf
nice place :-)
yes they make a great team
Who doesn't want to see their grandmother fuck, back when she was hot.
WHAT KNOCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmm this is very erotic.
Being nude at the beach is great!
geile Aktion am FKK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir Robert,
go wash yor fucking face, strip and shut the fuck up! Then maybe he'll fuck you instead of her.