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Wife and i ventured onto free beach on holidays with freinds had a look and continued on our walk when we got back to our room wife said she would have liked to go for a swim but not in front of the couple we were with because they wouldnt approve. i suggested we go back tomorrow and try .morning arrives we set of wife nervous i had
hot sweet naturist adult xxx vids pics before we arrive put down our towels wife strips off runs straight into water loves it JPG (5. 23 KiB) Viewed 153 timesI think it would be cool to have some wraps with the NC logo on it. Be some great conversation pieces. Have made both caftans and towels with velcro for myself, but had a sewing machine then Nat, I think its a good idea for both Naturist Christians and Christian Naturist Village. I think a lot of folks would like to have items with the logos announcing their participation in naturismnudism. The logos could serve as great conversation starters to help explain naturismnudism to the cuirious. And, yes, the wrap can serve as a great sitting towel. Ive used my wrap in such situations. Jim SheddNaturist clothing seems nice, but how about a temporary logo tattoo for when clothing is out of the question?Just a thought.
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Topic about hot sweet nudist adult xxx vids pics at our forum.
I am pretty open to my nudist lifestyle on facebook, but so far Ive yet to quot-friendquot- anyone from my church, who could then read my profile. I guess if any of my fellow church members happen to walk by my car in the parking lot Sunday morning, they could see the AANR window sticker, which they could go home later and go to the website address that is shown on it, then they can deduce what quot-AANRquot- means. I happen to read the last issue of Northwest Nude News and the writer made a very excellent post about getting more nudists to come out and not be anynomous. So to me that includes not only my friends and family, but my church also. While I will continue to respect peoples first reactions to my revelation that I am a nudist, I am not going to hide it. The Holy Spirit guides me in my stance and beliefs, and I will be more than happy to share that with members of my church. I wish you a happy outcome with your church family, oregonguy59, if and when you out yourself to the entire congregation. Jim SheddOregonguy,If your church drums you out, I hope you will take every opportunity to go down fighting (figuratively of course).
great, would like to go naked with you
Cute girls!!
Ava ( * )( * )
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next??? :( :( :(
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nice !!!!!!!
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prend moi en amis jai envie de te suivre biz
its Olga Buzova
Bom! Gostaria de ver o que aqueles fazem no mato.
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I'm guessing the water is warm....
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Here's some more if you ever find time/interest. She is sexy as fuck.
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Merci d'avoir accept mon invitation.
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hot! I like to hold the head of my cock sucker too, M or F.
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Veru nice! I come, ok?
one of the best videos I've ever seen. Please go back and film more of that slut.
Would love to give her mouthfulls
Its nippy here...i'll get you going. Bwahahahaha!! good thing she's smokin
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I noticed she doesn't have high pitched voice like most Japanese girls. Kinda weird.
Thanks for this cute beauty Drew - Peter Pan
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beautiful arse