teenage female naturists

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Wife and i ventured onto free beach on holidays with freinds had a look and continued on our walk when we got back to our room wife said she would have liked to go for a swim but not in front of the couple we were with because they wouldnt approve. i suggested we go back tomorrow and try .morning arrives we set of wife nervous i had
teenage female naturists before we arrive put down our towels wife strips off runs straight into water loves it I myself had been interested in naturism all my life . I finally approached my wife with the idea,and she was hesitant. Then we started finding remote places we could go. Now she loves it as much as I do , and we belong to a naturist social club and go to beaches and resorts. Life is wonderful. It is such a great feeling of freedom and I find myself more in tune ( spiritually) with myself. It has developed into studying the bible. my experiences of introducing people to nudism have been overwhelmingly positive, i think only maybe three people have been totally outraged and they were the typical quot-im more religious than youquot- types who seem to be able to quote every verse of the bible but didnt stop to actually try and understand it, buuuut take my neighbours for example, me and my fiance moved in this house 3 years ago it is a upper class neighbourhood of mostly 50 doctors, lawyers etc our direct neighbours had never in their whole lives experienced nudism, to the right is a couple who are in their late 40s i would guess and to the left is a mother with a 5 year old son and her mother, we have had all of these people come to our parties and BBQs they live clothed lives but respect us enough and are not closed minded, i know it is the luck of the draw we could have got horrible people but i think there are MANY more people who are open to trying these things than the ones who will be asses about it, just i have found that many people who are active in churches (especially in america sorry) are the type who judge anyone who is even slightly different to their ideal parishioner, the way i judge it is what if jesus himself walked in that door.
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Im sure my uni wouldnt sanction a room for naked meetings !If friends are driven or drift away because they consider you weird or perverted are they really true friends anyway. Lifer is filled with people who drift into and out of our social circles, its just part of the cycle and very few beyond family will remain in our lives forever. Maverick and Sarah, I encourage you both to consider at least quot-testing the watersquot- to see if theres enough interest among the university populations (yes, Im thinking faculty too) to warrant starting nudist clubs on campus and perhaps expanding into the local communities. jim SheddIf someone tried to set up a Naturist Club at my university, Oooooohhhh boy would that be an issue. Considering it was a campus that forbid women wearing pants until the earlymid 1980s, I could just imagine the ranting and raging a request to have a nude club on campus. Might be fun to try if you were willing to get dismissed from campus for even thinking of it let alone mentioning it. If you go to a public school I would be all for it as they dont carry many of the same limitations of a private university. jerry49 wroteI am reminded of when the Pharisees were complaining about Jesus disciples not washing before a meal. jerry49 wroteI am reminded of when the Pharisees were complaining about Jesus disciples not washing before a meal.
geile Titten !
Nice fat cock he has there.
Great tits is right
Thats sad you dont answer me anymore :'(
public bathroom scenes are nasty if you think about. Also where the cum at?
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is there a list of where these beach are??
Cap dAgde is hot hot
Lovely girls with smallish natural tits and full bushes. Ya got to love those Asian women.
Superb work - great to see the ladies brutally pestered
Splendide appart! Baise ds tte les pieces, j'adore! Et Annette srx, chez moi on aurait dit que tu es un avion de chasse! Autrement dit; T'es bonne!!! ;p
What a girl !!!
The funny part is the guy behind her looking for porn on the internet.
damn thats hot
Great tits, awesome nips
what a cute small dick she is licking great butt sex
Those crazy Russkies
Always loved your videos.
she is beautiful
love to hear that
Like to find you in yr car !
mmm...super...I love it...
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Beautiful video.
Il prête sa compagne au vieux pour avoir le job
hot sextape,she and her boyfriend !
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Beautiful asses....
dla bombe!par contre s il faut un passant defonceur; mp
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isn't she afraid of getting sand on those toys before she puts them in her bum hole? ouch
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She is so horny ;) good one!
Wouldn't it be nice if all porn actors just stopped talking and started with the sex right away?
super ta video
Good old Gilda... I wish you hadn't cut the pee scene, I love it when the Eroberlin girls pee!
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I don't care how many times this gets reposted, I could watch it 24/7. She is gorgeous!!
nice gal. would look great in my beach condo. but is she home? too much fun gal. need someone like her to care for my needs for once. but worth keeping.
einfach nur hammer!