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Comments (102)

    Wrote mlm1946

    Wow! Thanks wisdomtooth411 for sharing Wifey's superb milk-filled tits. Milky tits are fascinating. Hope you love them and hope you share some more photos or her. Voted superb of course.

    Wrote billybull1

    Her beloved position is mine too... where can i get her?

    Wrote muffinlov

    EXCELLENT!! please write me: truemale666@yahoo.it we can have some joy.

    Wrote mister11

    That's a Hunka Hunka Ass! To much for me!

    Wrote aliahmad2

    MMmmmmm Very Nice tits. I love the way you areplaying with your puffies. I also love the pic with the ciggy. I think that women who smoke are so HOT. I voted Superb for you. Please send me more smoking pics. banditt59@gmail.com

    Wrote iamonlyhere

    So Beautiful, such lovely eyes, and lips. And who can not discuss such beautiful Breast!

    Wrote Shinobe

    She's a hotty, awesome pics! Thanks.

    Wrote UPandDOWN

    Any more pics tonight

    Wrote whitewife

    Hot honey who is not going commando and is wearing one of those hideous Victoria's Secret bras.Get her totally naked on a Caribbean Strand and then we'll have something to spank off to and talk about!Betcha a buck she trims her cu

    Wrote m_lvs2_pl

    Usually dont bother to vote, but these were good man.Got some more Superbs?

    Wrote foruge

    peccato ceh le foto fanno un schifo...non si vede neinte

    Wrote porkchop1

    Lovely lady with sensuous nips. Would love to do her in all poses.

    Wrote latinfisico

    at least 1982,the glasses,the hair,And all that hair on her wuss,gawd man get recent!!!!

    Wrote dastars6

    Can I have your phone number?

    Wrote hisashi

    WOW! Gorgeous Gal! Can't wait to see more! Thanks For Sharing! Photographer From Oklahoma.

    Wrote Ghostin

    dit is echt heeeel LEKKER!

    Wrote babylon26

    leave off this foot thing and showcase me your round butt

    Wrote thickcock16

    no picture why

    Wrote alectreve

    Pretty girl....would somebody fuck her and let us watch?

    Wrote JimLuvsLa

    add the letters "BBW" to the title of any future contri's and you won't get as many of the comments above.

    Wrote sekaser13

    Thats a nice big dong

    Wrote mrporn1

    Hey, Wallie, my man has one of those triple loops and it make his trouser snake head so humungous and the shaft so hard...yours looks good, too

    Wrote goodfellowr

    Love you. Miss Xray would love to smooch your nips and slurp your cunt.

    Wrote WildFunPhx

    The broad in the pitcher keeps her swim trunks on.How web cam you tell if hairs dyed with bottoms on?How can you tell if she has braZilian with the bottoms on?

    Wrote robtribute

    please display us the utter pubic hair

    Wrote Kaiin_GK

    astounding breasts

    Wrote TinyUNC

    she's hotpls post more like 1 !!

    Wrote Colococos1

    I love the boulder-holder and panty set. Can you email me where you purchased them? Also Chris - I think you are very hot!

    Wrote Trikster

    Keep the pic nutting. You look lovely. Thanks Mr9 Fl

    Wrote piercm

    Spam Alert AKA (watch out). this peice of cr@p has never made a contribution on here, and it has never had a good thing to say about a post. If it was so worried maybe it would make a positive comment and abandon the same old spam it has been spouting for over two years?. GO AWAY @SSHOLE. and it is a woman just like daninhbg. ever wonder why they will never make a comment on the same day as post. they both know they are utter of shit.

    Wrote Brown_gir

    WOW what a hottie!!! Hows about more than Four pics!!!

    Wrote martini1

    Wish I had J.J. around to commence my day like that.

    Wrote Mr_Hulot

    Beautiful looking woman with a good looking body.I hope you send in more sets of your pictures shortly.

    Wrote italianta

    Awesome..! I love her titties...Gave me a ragging hardon and I have jacked off two times looking at them. She is going into my faves. Ty..! More please.

    Wrote Ejaculates

    oh my bad stance sometimes... nice tits tho. perrybrowne@yahoo.ca

    Wrote hotshot9142

    HunYou need your cooch lickedbuzz53821

    Wrote ned39

    instant boner when I witnessed your contri, it would take me days to make sure I cover you decently in smooches (amongst other things) about 66 or 67 of them

    Wrote PublicEne


    Wrote birdman68

    Just plain doofy.

    Wrote bravo57

    WOW!,,Hotter than a two buck pistol. More pics please, Thanks for posting

    Wrote wantasian

    football player thighs- wow those are big

    Wrote joelear

    What a sexy woman!!! And I love the stockings, man you look superb with them on.

    Wrote Bacardi86

    Very good photography - 't only thing - pic 1 was not horizontal - but, thanks for sharingmuch appreciated

    Wrote eteure

    Logan must know she has the figure to get any man or woman. A woman made to be very proud.

    Wrote biman4play

    Fine body,skin, pose, even with the high-heeled slippers. SUPERB a?…a?…a?…a?…a?…

    Wrote uncut01

    hehe, my comment is to tell her to keep going! She looks good so far!

    Wrote nikster

    All the right stuff. I would love to rail this cowgirl.

    Wrote avantgard

    Fantastic .sexy bodies.I wanna buy the black panties!!!!!!!

    Wrote pocket123

    Véronique,Des semaines sans pics, des semaines d'interrogation !Et voilà, le retour de Véronique,enfin !Et quel retour ! BravoUn voisin de la porte maillot

    Wrote Scoop56Ace

    Vidal post some old photos of her with big bootie black goes on her ace it turns me on bad!!Hot little gal

    Wrote doggyplea

    what a bodt excellent tits flash some pink next pics


    Tits are nice , but if you can't learn to trim , keep to your cave with he other prehistoric animals.

    Wrote bOObsonth

    mmmm so cock-squeezing i wanna tongue fuck your amazing labia and asshole drlongstroke@live.com

    Wrote bigdjohns

    want to see you in act

    Wrote Mystiklei

    beautiful hooters and bod