During the history of X-Nudism we have managed to collect a big archive of exclusive photo and video materials shot at the best nudist resorts.
We did our best to throw some light upon all the aspects of people's nude lifestyle. Reports from nude beaches, movies shot at nudist parties, news from the life of nude resorts, professional and amateur photo depicting nudists of all ages.
The team of X-Nudism offers you to plunge into the atmosphere of a real nude beach!!! |
Ok, I'm Ashley and my first ever time going really nude with other people around was two years ago when I was in high school. Four classmates and I went out to this small lake on one of the boy's grandmother's farm to go swimming during the summer (obviously).
All 3 of us girls had swimsuits under our shorts and tops so it didn't start out to be a skinny-dipping trip, just a place to swim. The two guys had cutoff jeans shorts and tshirts and they were going to swim like that (minus the shirts).
Anyway, after we were there for awhile we really liked it because nobody was around and it was like a private little lake on private property. One of the boys was joking and said he should have brought some cards so we could play strip poker and one of the other girls said you don't need cards to play strip poker, you can do Rock/paper/scissors and the loser has to take something off each time. The winner can challenge anyone they want to. The more they talked about it the more they acted like they were really going to do it. I was the quietest because I was probably most shy of the entire bunch and also I was self conscious about myself to the point I even dreaded taking showers in gym class in front of other girls.
They finally decided that one boy and one girl (luckily not me at first) would do the rock/paper/scissors thing and we'd play until somebody lost all their clothes. It couldn't take long for SOMEONE to lose because I figured the girls are all wearing a two piece swimsuit and the guys either had one or two pieces of clothes on, I didn't know if they were wearing undershorts or not.
Anyway, to hurry it up, the boy lost the first round but when he took off his shorts he still had undershorts on. So the girl challenged the same one again to try to get him totally naked but he won the second time so she had to take off her top, and so it went. Each time something came off it was thrown up on the rock at the edge of the lake so it wouldn't get lost in the water.
The funny part was everyone was standing in water pretty much up to their chest so the guys were pretty well hidden when they got naked and the girls just kind of bent their knees enough to keep the water level higher than their breasts when they took their tops off. Everyone continued to play until everyone was nude and I really felt pretty giddy about it and actually liked how it felt to be outside with absolutely nothing on.
The swimming and horsing around was fun and the longer we were there the less everyone tried to hide under the water. By the time we had to get out of the water and leave, all five of us were standing naked up on the rock together retrieving our swimsuits and shirts without making any effort to cover ourselves with our hands.
It was pretty strange to me to recognize that I felt LESS self-conscious standing with 2 guys and 2 other girls totally naked on that rock than I did in the school shower with girls in my gym class.
Since I was 17 then I didn't get a chance to go nude in public again until I'd graduated from high school and started in college. On Spring Break nine of us went to St. Martin and spent 5 days at Orient Beach last year and that was the most fun yet!
If nothing else, I've learned that a tall, pale, skinny red-headed girl doesn't look any worse naked than I do in a swimsuit, so why bother to wear one?
I hope this posting is ok with everyone and I'm not breaking any rules or whatever. THANKS!
The desire to get stripped at a nude beach and the fear of letting the people around you see you naked...Both of these feelings are strong – though the eagerness to expose the most secret corners of your body to the caressing rays of sun is still stronger. On the pages of X-Nudism you will be able to find the stories told by girls and guys trying nude posing in public for the very first time in their lives. |