During the history of X-Nudism we have managed to collect a big archive of exclusive photo and video materials shot at the best nudist resorts.
We did our best to throw some light upon all the aspects of people's nude lifestyle. Reports from nude beaches, movies shot at nudist parties, news from the life of nude resorts, professional and amateur photo depicting nudists of all ages.
The team of X-Nudism offers you to plunge into the atmosphere of a real nude beach!!! |
For a long time, I was very interested in becoming a nudist, but was very afraid of what my parents might think about it. I'm 23 now, but i've liked going nude ever since I was about 18.
After reading this site, I decided to finally just take a chance and see what happened. One day after school, I came home and took everything off. Nobody was home yet, so I took time to pump myself up. I sat on the couch and watched tv, waiting for my parents to get home. I was nervous for a while, but eventually just got involved in the TV and almost forgot about me being naked. Finally, my mom arrived home. I was very scared as she walked in. I expected her to freak out. She did give me a little bit of a strange look and asked me "Why don't you have any clothes on?" It was really hot that day so I just said that I couldn't stand the heat, so I just took everthing off. She said "ok" and walked away. I couldn't believe it. my dad came home a little while later with basically the same reaction. I was so happy that I had made it so far. I decided to stay nude for as long as I could until they said something. I even ate dinner nude that night.
Later on, I noticed my mom was looking at me strange. she was staring at my butt. I thought "Uh oh, here it comes, she's going to tell me to get dressed." Instead she said "You should probably sit on a towel if you're going to go naked. You have marks on your butt from that chair you were sitting on. I laughed and told her ok. Later that night, I talked with my parents about nudity and they said I can go nude at home with just them whenever I want, but should get dressed when other people come over. I'm fine with that, that's more than I ever hoped for!! Well, that's my story and by the way, this site rocks! thank you!
The desire to get stripped at a nude beach and the fear of letting the people around you see you naked...Both of these feelings are strong - though the eagerness to expose the most secret corners of your body to the caressing rays of sun is still stronger. On the pages of X-Nudism you will be able to find the stories told by girls and guys trying nude posing in public for the very first time in their lives. |