During the history of X-Nudism we have managed to collect a big archive of exclusive photo and video materials shot at the best nudist resorts.
We did our best to throw some light upon all the aspects of people's nude lifestyle. Reports from nude beaches, movies shot at nudist parties, news from the life of nude resorts, professional and amateur photo depicting nudists of all ages.
The team of X-Nudism offers you to plunge into the atmosphere of a real nude beach!!! |
My first visit to a nude beach took place when I was spending my vacation at CapDage resort, I was simply overwhelmed with nudism ideas and it was only my innate shyness and the instinct of self-preservation kept me from persuading everybody I met on the beach to immediately give their consent to sunbathe exceptionally nude from this moment on.
The winter of the following year had turned out to be unnaturally long and agonizing for a heat-loving person like me. and so I opened beach season in the early may. Running in my mind over all the Kiev beaches I have ever sunbathed on until then I couldn't think of a single one that would remind me of this place in Albena suburb. People I knew shrugged to my matter-of-fact questions I asked rather offhandedly. The idea of having myself a bit of nude beaching started to seem an unrealizable fantasy.
The solution dawned up on me as easy as pie. I am inherently rather athletic person; above all the sorts of active pastime I cherish swimming and bicycling. Having decided to kill two birds with one stone, I turned to bicycling all days long and searching for at least something remotely reminding a nude beach as I rode my bicycle.
So one of those August days I took my bicycle yet again and got so far riding it that for as much as I could say of it I was not about to find not only a nude beach, but even my way back home. There was a spit of sand stretching for some 500-700 meters with about a dozen of beachers on it, and the last 200 or 300 meters of it were completely deserted. Having got to the farthest end of the beach and having found the spot from which no one would see me, I made myself comfortable to sunbathe nude. After about an hour I noticed three figures of newly-arrived beachers approaching my den at a slow pace. When it became obvious that the three beachers I noticed coming from afar were going to settle down in the immediate vicinity to me I pulled my swimming trunks on and went to have a plunge, cursing under my breath the curses of immediate complicacy. Getting out of water I took a closer look at my neighbors who panned out to be two young girls of around 20-25 and an imposing lady on the wrong side of thirty. They already started making themselves comfortable, but upon seeing me they stopped in their tracks and, scrutinizing your obedient servant for a while, were whispering something in each other's ear nervously. I looked at myself another time more closely and was happy to discover that I did put my trunks on, so my behavior could be called anything but provocative. Having looked at myself for yet another time I didn't seem to notice neither of anthropological abnormalities (such as tail or horns) and went to lie down on my towel in the state of the deepest reverie as for the reasons of the strange behavior of the softer sex.
Meanwhile, the ladies have made up their mind and decided that the spot they have chosen suits them fine and having undressed to the swimsuits went to take hydrotherapeutic procedures. During the ensuing hour I realized that their presence starts to irk me. Each time when I went swimming they met me with rather sulky looks on their faces, and whenever I would emerge from water when I was supposed to look cheerful and attractive, nothing would change in their attitude.
Not being accustomed to such ways (in my own company I am considered to be not simply attractive, but a very handsome young man) and inspired by this spitefulness I decided to ignore my own morality which had been so unshakable not so long ago I moved to another spot of the beach behind the bushes and covered by their shade continued my beaching nude. After a little while one of my neighbors went to have a plunge and augmented her pickup angle so that she could see me in all my as large as life - but to tell the truth I was lying on my stomach.
Her reactions were quite natural - the girl momentarily changed her plans and rushed to break the breathtaking news to her friends. 'Hell, what a smelly story' - I thought to myself and pulling on my swimming trunk went to drown my misfortunes in chilly water. Having got back after swimming and having decided that female shyness will urge the ladies move farther away from the source of danger and lechery I decided that I could now go on with my nudity practice unhampered.
But my adventures were only beginning. When I exposed my back to the sun for the next time I noticed with indignation that the above mentioned lady on the wrong side of her thirties was in the immediate vicinity of my spot of the beach. She was contemplating the whereabouts and me as the integral part of the landscape with emphasized attention. 'Now here's a good tutoress, I can imagine what things she can teach her young companions!' - this idea swept in my mind as I was feverishly looking for the ways to escape this situation. There were only two variants. The first was to pay no attention to the presence of this brazen woman and go on sunbathing nude and the second - to pull on my swimming trunks, ashamed. Out of these two variants I chose the third one and manning myself and inquired with al my courage at the top of my bass whether everything was alright with them behind their bushes. After the question suspended in the air the situation started acquiring a certain surrealistic tinge. The cheeky representative of seemingly softer sex headed in my direction not saying a word with absolutely unpredictable intentions. And as my will not paying the slightest attention to neither of my fists left me whistling some light-hearted tune I had nothing else to do but to watch her coming closer. The lady sat down next to me, told me her name and finally smiled at me asking me if I would mind it if the three of them were to sunbathe nude as well. Sure enough, I told them that I wouldn't mind it. After a couple of hours I started packing to get back home and during all this time neither me nor the nudist girls hadn't said a word to each other.
It's redundant to say that ever since that time I have been sunbathing nude only on that beach. After a while I got acquainted with the girls. It turned out that they were a mom, her daughter and her daughter's friend have marked this beach as their favorite spot. And naturally the appearance of a strange man on the beach on that day could have spoiled their intentions to sunbathe nude.
The desire to get stripped at a nude beach and the fear of letting the people around you see you naked...Both of these feelings are strong - though the eagerness to expose the most secret corners of your body to the caressing rays of sun is still stronger. On the pages of X-Nudism you will be able to find the stories told by girls and guys trying nude posing in public for the very first time in their lives. |