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Comments (182)

    Wrote schlumpf1

    This Ohio boy would love to eat you up one side and down the other...then embark all over. Love the pics and can't wait to see more of you.

    Wrote ok_voyeur

    beautiful! more please! flawless tits that are blubbering to wear your man's jizz all over them, please do that for us! love the sleek poon :)

    Wrote porn-love

    What Varmit said !!!!!

    Wrote lozo3

    Nothing sexier than a HOT mature woman ..more, more , more please!!

    Wrote ceallachan

    Pictures of your Mom?

    Wrote str0kin

    showcase some hairy pussy!!

    Wrote sremac71

    Damn FINE tits and arse. ShesGot34Ds@aol.com

    Wrote daizzy108

    total waiste of time dude. what are you about 12 years old

    Wrote Gerd42

    Her skin looks like a leather jacket. Not attractive at all!

    Wrote luisfcayo

    nice idea, gorgeous girl!!!kisses from MexicoRobert

    Wrote gulzarham


    Wrote asianbull

    If that's the EX, please demonstrate us the fresh GF

    Wrote riverrat_

    and I would fuck you hard on that desk !! beleive me !!kisses

    Wrote fatguy1988

    Superb indeed!! I am in absolute love with that assets and like all here, that amazing muff :) She is a wonderful example of gorgeousness :) Thank you Shahannie! Please flash us that fuckbox in activity :P

    Wrote sirrex

    You look like a fine slab of milky meat set out in the sun. Not very appealing, and then you get a stupid tat....like that will help.

    Wrote Lovehunter

    in act. Fill'er up.

    Wrote jujuti92

    excellent pictures love that culo keep up the good work

    Wrote dirtyduncan

    Looking hot!! Don't know how you could ever get a bad comment.Matt (UK)

    Wrote albioni

    Spread that asshole and slip a dick inwards.

    Wrote GregUK

    I personally think they drape nice. :)

    Wrote danser79


    Wrote charliebi

    wildwindy1 would have loved to have done this & more with you in park by your palace in any kinda light... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Wrote miltep4evr

    What Is This Old Bitch Day.

    Wrote luxferrem

    Nice....sexually alluring slut! Voted Superb!

    Wrote sweettoot

    Two guys jacking on the plage. Ho hum.

    Wrote Nutbutterer

    Et puis ...

    Wrote lacelicker

    ah, plain vanilla. the absolute finest.

    Wrote kwiet

    Good distress. Lousy

    Wrote smoke1981

    You have a hot curvy body! I would like to see total frontal demonstrating your pretty eyes and smile please.PS your shaven snatch is Very Hot!

    Wrote caquacamel

    Most alluring beauty, good looks, gams and hair. thanks Kenm2781

    Wrote ptitcul0075

    this isnt phoenix in the first-ever series, i believe it to be a faux and not a very good one

    Wrote varnava

    Gotta love the bashful ones! Awesome paramours and fine Fuckfest.

    Wrote longlongd

    Sexy caboose send more

    Wrote chekinitout

    Is this Budapest?

    Wrote Helmo

    we are going out into the gulf on my boat for a day of joy in the sun !!!!!!!!!!!

    Wrote tranny1961


    Wrote belgoramon

    What, she didn't spread her gams in front of the jets?

    Wrote outsider5

    I would love to see him eat that taut little asshole!!!! hydlan@yahoo.com

    Wrote crazycamel

    Hi Ambers hubby . I would like to interchange some wifey pics you. My wifey is BLUE she is the one with a hot culo in the 2nd page of the Booty FLASH section. My email is Bluemonday35@hotmail.com if you would like to exchange pics

    Wrote Sammy49

    beautiful fuck-stick wanna share it for a Trio way

    Wrote chocolate

    We just wonder if she has had her rectal training yet. We believe that there is no point to tying a superslut up if you are not going to use her a-hole, right?

    Wrote petestrash

    Looks like I need to go to the home center more often! Very daring pics of an awesome lady, thanks.

    Wrote ArthurThe

    Fair, why would I want to see a trunk if it's not in a woman?

    Wrote zootsuited

    I'm an auto-spammer, which explains why my preceding cut & paste comment is on every post here, every day. Once you contact me, I will sell your e-address and you will then be SPAMMED until the end of time.

    Wrote lucifer4

    Never witnessed a hiker wearing roll flops but it's your story. You have one helluva smoking assets. Hey, I'm a butcher. Would you like to come check out my meat? :)

    Wrote hot4cocks

    More smiles please. Also eye contact with your photographer would be nice. Lovely bod, obviously. Love the stockings and garter belt from an earlier post. Looking forward to more undergarments.

    Wrote nAXAH

    your gf is so hot. Those tits would look excellent with some gloppy jism running down them

    Wrote johanbloem

    outstanding as always!! superb!! would love the flick. russty901us@yahoo.com

    Wrote MrHook1968

    Someone didn't wear a boulder-holder for most of her teens,20s,30s and gravity is a brutal mommy fucker!

    Wrote snatch13

    You have a supreme hott figure. flash it all. let's gobble it!!! atbed24@yahoo.com

    Wrote PMP

    Adorable fashionable girl!!I like your rigid bobbs and divine hands...send more, please.Thank you

    Wrote rjb

    Find a web site where people who are sick adore feet. I'm sure they're out there.

    Wrote CheckThat

    Ideal bootie. Love the way you are cooking. Please showcase us more. Onehappy2010@hotmail.nl. Superb.

    Wrote earlc82

    The pink lingere pales in comparison to that pink cunt!

    Wrote ingos12

    Flawless tits and puffies and a beautiful sexy backside. dave_fun

    Wrote heatpakker

    too bad you didn't have a fatter flow for her to gasp down, or let dribble out of her mouth! sure hope she munched her prize up!

    Wrote driver7iron

    Good idea to have your wifey or gf cover her face.You guys live in seperate rooms.

    Wrote cougarmum

    cesso cesso cesso

    Wrote kunilungus

    Christ, you must be the dullest of all the cunts on here today.

    Wrote HornyTeen

    Excellent tits! I would have also liked to see you in a mini-skirt. . .

    Wrote smithson77


    Wrote freaky_72

    (and overlook the insulting "critics")

    Wrote sleekbitch

    I like your pointy little tits when you lean over. You are lovely and have a hard bod. I know I'd sure like to munch you until you cum!

    Wrote suaveliso

    wow would love to see more yep i am in enthusiasm wow would love to hook up Johnjohnson2029@yahoo.com send more pics please

    Wrote slave4bot

    Their sticking heterosexual up, when you're vapid on your back.

    Wrote qadavr

    Rasati per bene e mandami una foto che ti dedico un pippone galattico!

    Wrote bigfabian

    Fantastic green panty but I want to see your big smelling pussy........!!

    Wrote mrbowman

    I havea Pubic hair fetish.... Last picture totally satiated. Love smallish natural titties tooo

    Wrote Zelva

    nicer if you use an other bathing suit, smaller then that one. you can attempt with a nastydiva, or a ww, they both ok. I choose nastydiva because it is an italian swimsuit

    Wrote happybuay

    buxom women rock my world.. unspoiled woman

    Wrote LadyVoyeur

    poster chick for the hooter job industry

    Wrote mistabear

    beautiful pink vulva

    Wrote randomper

    time to get a fresh vid camera......

    Wrote psipaulina


    Wrote fritz429

    She looks BEAUTIFUL, and has some of the best tits and bum ever seen on the Naturist project. Voted superb, and the wifey and i would love to see more, so PLEASE KEEP THEM COMEING...drs239@yahoo.com

    Wrote firebrace32

    excellent pics would love to see more. next time your in colorado would love to meet with you. blaster243@hotmail.com

    Wrote Airmark

    talk about clown whores...

    Wrote JefferyRa

    The Cecil B Demille of the world have spoken litter there stupid comments and proceed with your efforts to please...Se has a superb bod now, lets see more of her...I thought it was a good effort

    Wrote Unknown000

    Oh, Hell Yes...she has a Hard Body...Sexy as hell...Thanks for sharing!

    Wrote leo82

    I don't think you should be attempting to make us believe that this is some stranger. This is obviously your gf or wifey. Just write it up as such and we won't give you so much crap about it.

    Wrote frankfran


    Wrote gavin69

    Brianna Banks

    Wrote fergiol

    My wifey loved your pics, we sent you an email

    Wrote slow_putter

    I perceive draped like a mule after witnessing that.

    Wrote sadboy2011

    Beautiful honeys & milk cans -- nice shots...

    Wrote mslayme

    Keep posting!.

    Wrote Sevda-Cik

    Dear Sofhia,what a DOLLlove to me with you on a sexy day offgreat pair of twinsmy big hard shaft went wild over your sexy figure

    Wrote ChokeMeDa

    I left Florida too briefly I guess!!But if you like Florida YOU'LL LOVE ARIZONA!!!!! NO HUMIDITY ! Can you do some shots in / around a PUBLIX ? I USED TO WORK THERE AND WE LOVED TO SEE WOMEN STRUT IN THE STORE !! THANKS BK

    Wrote XamsterBoy

    Hey Nisha! Wir sind auch aus Deutschland und ein junges attraktives Paar. Wir mA¶gen deine Bilder, Clips und Aktionen. Bist ein sehr hA?bsches Luder ;-)Wenn du Eagerness hast, schreib uns an j o n a p u b l i c AT w e b. d e. Vielleicht kA¶nnen wir ein paar erotische Momente teilen... Liebe GrA?AYe, Jona und Manuel

    Wrote kidwelly

    I didn't vote.

    Wrote doubleup

    beautiful girlfabulous bod foolish gunlove ya! charlie

    Wrote willyjz

    Fantastic Figure. Keep em coming