During the history of X-Nudism we have managed to collect a big archive of exclusive photo and video materials shot at the best nudist resorts.
We did our best to throw some light upon all the aspects of people's nude lifestyle. Reports from nude beaches, movies shot at nudist parties, news from the life of nude resorts, professional and amateur photo depicting nudists of all ages.
The team of X-Nudism offers you to plunge into the atmosphere of a real nude beach!!! |
I had stripped nude on deserted beaches before, but in my mind those episodes were not “official” because they were short and not relaxing.
My first real nudist experience was at Club Med Caravel which is located on Guadeloupe in the Caribbean. I had really been looking forward to that vacation and the nude experience, and I must admit that I was not nervous about it all. I had been wearing very brief swimsuits to the beach for a few years and was quite comfortable with my body.
One woman asked me about how could be so casual about being naked. All I could say was that I'd been looking forward to this vacation for a long time and that I was quite used to wearing very little in public. Unfortunatley she never got the courage to take off her bikini during the entire week, although her friend and roommate did.
Caravel had (has?) one of the best nude beaches in the Caribbean. It stretches on for more than a mile and there was plenty of clear sand for sunning and shade when you needed a break. The people there were remarkable. They were in all ages and sizes. There were older people, young professionals like myself (at the time) and even whole families. The atmosphere was very different from what it is in the U.S. There were not leering jerks around to spoil the ambiance.
I was single at the time, and I ended up spending a lot of time with some other singles that were there as well. On the last day we had a get together before it was time to go home on the beach. One of the women brought a camera, which of course is frowned upon today. We let her take all the pictures she wanted, and I had to say the only time when my heart was in my throat with when I heard the camera click for the time with me naked in front of the lens.
I went back to Caravel a number of times before and after I was married, but eventually the charter fights that Club Med sponsored down there turned into the pits. The planes were in bad shape, the service was poor and pilots were mostly “not quite ready for prime time players. The last straw was on a return fight when the pilot missed the end of the runway on St. Lucia. The plane landed with a jolt and every oxygen mask fell from the ceiling. People were yelling and screaming, and it was not a great ending to the vacation.
There were also signs that the government or someone wanted to shut down the nude beach. Signs were posted that read “Nudism prohibited” French. The next day after they went up someone had painted over them. And there was an old Frenchmen there, who was said to be a retired engineer, who was doing all he could to keep the nude beach going. I don't know what has happened there since I've not been back in over 20 years. Perhaps someone else has been there more recently and could fill us in.
The desire to get stripped at a nude beach and the fear of letting the people around you see you naked...Both of these feelings are strong – though the eagerness to expose the most secret corners of your body to the caressing rays of sun is still stronger. On the pages of X-Nudism you will be able to find the stories told by girls and guys trying nude posing in public for the very first time in their lives. |