During the history of X-Nudism we have managed to collect a big archive of exclusive photo and video materials shot at the best nudist resorts.
We did our best to throw some light upon all the aspects of people's nude lifestyle. Reports from nude beaches, movies shot at nudist parties, news from the life of nude resorts, professional and amateur photo depicting nudists of all ages.
The team of X-Nudism offers you to plunge into the atmosphere of a real nude beach!!! |
I have a very,very close group of friends (more girls than guys,they are absolutly wonderful,they are also very special,by that I mean they are nudists. We've been really close for some time and one of the girls invieted me over for dinner(last weekend Fri) and drinks.
I was really looking forward to this and seeing her,I have a huge crush on her. I stoped at the store to get some beverages and alcohol before going to her house,I did't want to go empty handed,even though she told me I didn't have to bring anything. I pulled in to the driveway,parked my truck behind hers and proceded to front steps.
I was just about to ring the doorbell when my best friend opened the door. She looked stunning beautiful,she had her hair done,manicure and pedicure done(she was barefoot),and totally nude.(she is always barefoot and totally nude in her house yearround). She asked me in a really cute way to please kick off my shoes(because she has a "barefoot" policy in the house,she also encouraged me in the same cute way to take my clothes off and make myself comfortable. I smiled,told her I'd love to and asked where should I change. I slipped out of my flip flops,gave them to her and she put them in her oversized hall closet(one whole side devoted to her shoes and guest shoes. She then asked my to follow her into her bedroom,once in in bedroom she asked me to take my clothes off and lay them across her bed. After I had removed my clothes she gave me a very nice big kiss,then asked me to follow her to the kitchen and finish helping her with dinner. It was actually a wonderful evening and we talked for quite some time at the table over glass of wine or two,thenn proceeded to bring our drinkss to the soft sofa talk and relax some more. She and I had an absolutly wonderful time. When didn't fall asleep till 2am,I got there around 5:30. It was amazing although she and I were barefoot and totally nude sitting on the sofa next to each other,we somehow both opened up about a lot of things and somehow forgot we were both totally nude. Later in the evening she was feeling frisky and she asked me to spend the night with her. It was a cold night so she lit the electric fireplace in her room and then i joined her under the covers. She believes being nude is beautiful and 100%natural and she is not shy at all about it. I am somewhat new to nudism and pacting nusism,but I absolutly loved my expereience I recently had and I am actually very comfortable being nude(especially with my really close friends). The nude figure(female/male is absolutly beautiful and is a work of art. If you are comfortable with youself, being nude,and being nude with your friends(others) then by all means take off your clothes and show off that beautiful nude figure. We all look the same nude(beautiful. I did and I love it and now my friends and I look forward to hanging out (and being nude together). I am so glad my friend intrduced me to it. My friend is actually throwing a nude party at her house later tonight and everyone is sleeping over till Sun. I am looking forward to it.
The desire to get stripped at a nude beach and the fear of letting the people around you see you naked...Both of these feelings are strong - though the eagerness to expose the most secret corners of your body to the caressing rays of sun is still stronger. On the pages of X-Nudism you will be able to find the stories told by girls and guys trying nude posing in public for the very first time in their lives. |